Off to university this September? Well, don’t worry: there’s still a few weeks to go before the big day. And to help set your mind at rest, we’ve put together this short university guide designed especially for people who have left everything to the last minute.
Still haven’t bought any of the things you need for university? Not to worry, if you’ve no time for a last-minute shop, you’ll be able to buy everything you need when you get there. For last-minute packing, you can just concentrate on the bare essentials: clothes, toiletries, towels, bedding and a few home comforts for your room.
You may want to add a computer to that list. Once the lectures are in full swing, you’ll realise just why you need it from day one. You can pick up a second-hand laptop for under £100 these days. So you don’t need to panic too much if you’ve forgotten to budget for it.
Your university may well have sent you a reading list in advance (or perhaps published one online). However, that doesn’t mean you need to buy – or even read – all of the books on the list before you actually arrive at university (unless you want to of course). Some departments will highlight the ‘essential readings’, so focus on these first before moving onto the ‘recommended readings’. But before you spend a fortune, you may find it easier and cheaper to get hold of the latter when you’re there.
If you’re heading off to university for the first time, then you will almost certainly have a place to live already sorted out for you (most universities guarantee to find you accommodation in your first year). So that’s one thing you don’t have to worry about. It’s still worth finding out as much as you can about where you’ll be living, though, as it may affect what you choose to take with you. Are there self-catering facilities? Is there anywhere to store your bike? It may also be useful to connect with future flatmates on social media and get to know them before the big move.
You presumably want to be able get your hands on your student loan as quickly as possible after starting your course. So the sooner you can get your student bank account set up the better. Remember to check that your chosen bank has a branch near your university – and to update the loan company with your new account details as soon as you get them.
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