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Turnitin, 24-hour loan and 12 other things you'll discover at uni

Bookshelves in Library

Whether you started university a few months ago or you’re in your second/third or fourth year, we’re sure you’ve come across things that have surprised, annoyed and made you laugh.

But that’s what university is about –  experiences you’ll remember for the rest of life.  Here are eight things you’ll discover at university and probably never forget.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detector used by universities all over the UK to avoid accidental or intentional plagiarism by students. And to make handing in essays just a little more stressful than they already are. When you submit your work via Turnitin, it gets compared against a database of over 12 million pages of digital content, so make sure you have done your referencing checks before you hit the submit button.


Some books in your university’s library are so precious and in demand that students are only allowed to borrow them for 24 hours. Some libraries even have a four-hour loan! You could be fined up to £1 an hour depending on your university if you keep the books longer than you should, so if your book has been recalled, take it back to avoid the fines!

Calling teachers by their first name

Despite their numerous titles, most university lecturers and professors will allow you to call them by their first name, which at first can be a bit awkward after years of calling teachers Sir and Miss.

Fire alarms

You’ll never discover how much you hate fire alarms until you’re at university and someone burns the toast yet again, forcing you to leave your warm bed, trudge down four flights of stairs – because you can’t use the lift – and face the cold brisk air.

Reading lists

You could receive a reading list for each module in your degree. And if you’re doing a joint honours degree like Economics and Management, you may have a reading list as long as your arm for each module. Most of the books are available from the library, but if they’re not, then be prepared to dip into your pockets for your course books.

The 15-minute lecturer rule

Some students follow the unofficial 15 minute rule, where if a lecturer or professor is 15 minutes late, they will leave the class. It’s probably best to avoid this rule as you don’t want to miss out on a potentially important lesson just because the lecturer wasn’t on time.  Furthermore, some lecturers may ban you from entering their classroom if you’re more than 10 minutes late.

24-hour library and actually being there from dawn till dusk

During exam season, some university libraries are open for 24 hours a day, which means all day access to books and areas of quiet study. Studying in the library at 3am may seem like a strange idea at first but you’ll soon notice the benefits of being able to use the library whenever you want and start taking your pillow and toothbrush in.

Toast for breakfast lunch and dinner

Time, laziness and a student budget may lead you explore more cost-effective meal options while at university. Bread is one of the cheapest things you can buy in a supermarket and is often on sale at the end of the day. Toast is also quick to make and is handy for when you need something to eat before a lecture or a night out.

Fresher’s week friends

Remember that group of people you hung around with during your first week of university until you found your friends for life? University is a social experience, so don’t feel too bad if you find yourself moving from one group of friends to another. You might not even remember the names of the people you lived with in your student halls by the end of your degree.

University rivalry

If there are two universities in the city you’re studying in, you may have come across some rivalry. Especially when it comes to sports. Be prepared to hear chants and songs you’re expected to know the words too.

Free things

Your room can quickly turn into a stationery cupboard after fresher’s week, recruitment fairs or any other on-campus events. Free pens, mouse mats, stress cushions, you’ll have it all.

Campus Bar Crawls

From Pub Golf to Fresher’s week fancy dress, bar crawls are the most popular form of social you’ll experience as a student. You’re likely to experience Carnage, the UK’s No.1 themed student event and a place where 1000s of students party the night away in their signature t-shirts.

Student overdraft

Anything with the word student in front of it sounds cool to those new to university. Remember an overdraft isn’t free money, it’s a form of debt and if you go over your Arranged Overdraft limit you could incur fines from your bank. Try to use it only if you really need to.

Some other new experiences that are part of university life are placements and internships. They can be defining moments in your academic career, where you discover the career path you want to follow. You can read all about the choices on offer at Enterprise, including our Management Trainee Placement.


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